Food Safety Class 7 Chapter 5 Maharashtra board

1. Complete the following statements by using the correct option from those given below.
(Irradiation, dehydration, pasteurization, natural, chemical)

Question a.
Drying the food grains from farms under the hot sun is called ………….
Answer: dehydration

Question b.Materials like milk are instantly cooled after heating up to a certain high temperature. This method of food preservation is called …………

Question salt is a ………. type of food preservative.
Answer: Natural

Question d. Vinegar is a …………. type of food preservative.
Answer: chemical

2. Answer the following questions in your own words. 

Question a. How is milk pasteurised?
Answer: Heat the milk to 80°C for 15 minutes, then cool it rapidly. This process eliminates harmful microbes in the milk, allowing it to stay fresh for a longer period. This method is known as milk pasteurization.

Question b. Why should we not consume adulterated foodmaterials?
Answer:Various types of adulterants impact our health in different ways. Some may lead to stomach issues or poisoning, while others, when consumed over time, can interfere with organ function or even lead to cancer.

Question c.What precautions do your parents take to keep foodstuffs safe?

Answer. Our parents follow these practices to keep food safe:

  • Drying grains properly.
  • Boiling milk, soups, and curries periodically.
  • Refrigerating vegetables, fruits, milk, and cooked food.
  • Preserving jams through candying.
  • Using natural preservatives like oil, spices, neem leaves, and salt.
  • Applying chemical preservatives in sauces, ketchups, pickles, jams, and squashes.

Question d. How does food spoilage occur? Which are the various factors spoiling the food?
Food spoilage happens when food goes bad and becomes unsafe to eat, or its quality gets worse. Here are some reasons why food spoils:

  • Bacteria can make food go bad.
  • Storing food the wrong way can spoil it.
  • Pests can infest and ruin food.
  • Chemical changes in the food can also cause it to spoil.

Question e. Which methods of food preservation would you use?

Answer.Here are the methods I use to keep food fresh:

  1. Freezing
  2. Boiling
  3. Adding salt to pickles
  4. Drying grains
  5. Preserving jams by candying

3. What shall we do?

Question a. There are vendors selling uncovered sweet-meats in open places in the market.

Answer. We should ask them to sell sweets that are covered because uncovered sweets can be harmful. They can collect dust, dirt, and germs. Buyers should also avoid purchasing uncovered sweets for their safety.

Question b. A ‘pani-puriwala’ is serving the panipuri with dirty hands.

Answer. We should ask pani-puriwala to serve panipuri after wearing gloves because dirty hands contain germs which can harm us.

Question c. We have purchased a large quantity of fruits and vegetables.

Answer. We should store fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator because the cold temperature helps keep them fresh. The low temperature slows down spoilage and reduces biological and chemical reactions that cause food to go bad.

Question d.We need to protect foodstuffs from pests like rats, cockroaches, wall-lizards etc.

Answer. To protect food from pests like rats, cockroaches, and lizards, we should store it in sealed containers, keep the kitchen clean, and regularly check for signs of pests. This helps keep food safe and prevents contamination.

4. Find the odd-man-out. 

Question a. Salt, vinegar, citric acid, sodium benzoate.
Answer: Salt

Question b. Lakhi dal, brick dust, metanyl yellow, turmeric powder.

Answer: Turmeric powder

Question c. Banana, apple, guava, almond.
Answer: Almond

Question d. Storing, freezing, settling, drying
Answer: Storing

5. Complete the chart below.

1 —–Metanyl yellow
2Black pepper—–
3 Iron filings
1 Turmeric powderMetanyl yellow
2Black pepperDriedpapayaseeds
3RavaIron filings
4  HoneySugar, water and jaggery

6. Explain why this happens and suggest possible remedies.

Question a. Qualitative wastage of food.

Answer. Qualitative food wastage happens when food loses its freshness, taste, or nutritional value due to poor storage or handling. To prevent this, store food properly, use airtight containers, and keep perishable items refrigerated to maintain quality.

Question b. The cooked rice is underdone.

Answer. Undercooked rice happens when there isn’t enough water or the cooking time is too short. To fix this, add a little more water, cover, and cook on low heat for a few extra minutes until the rice is fully cooked.

Question c. The wheat that was bought is a bit moist.

Answer. Sometimes due to sudden rain, wheat gets a bit moist. Possible remedies: Do not store the moist wheat, it gets spoiled due to fungus so first sundry it and then store in a clean and dry container to avoid microbial growth.

Question d. The taste of yoghurt is too sour/slightly bitter.

Answer. Yogurt can become too sour or slightly bitter if it ferments for too long or is kept at a high temperature. To prevent this, refrigerate the yogurt once it sets and avoid leaving it out for long periods.

Question e. Cut fruits turned black.

Answer. Cut fruits turn black due to a chemical reaction called oxidation. When the fruit is cut, its cells are exposed to oxygen in the air. This exposure causes the fruit’s natural pigments to change color, often turning brown or black.

How to prevent it:

  • Squeeze lemon or lime juice: The acidic nature of citrus fruits helps to slow down the oxidation process.
  • Keep fruits refrigerated: Cold temperatures can help to reduce the rate of oxidation.
  • Use airtight containers: Storing cut fruits in airtight containers can help to limit their exposure to oxygen.

7. Give reasons.

Question 1. Food remains safe at 5° Celsius.

Answer. At 5°C microorganisms stop growing so food remains safe at 5°Celsius.

Question2.Nowadays, food is served in buffet style during large gatherings.

Answer. These days, during big events, food is provided buffet-style to prevent quantitative food waste, with each person taking only as much as they can consume.

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